A HANDBOOK FOR COUNSELING THE GIFTED & TALENTED, Barbara Kerr, American Association for Counseling and Development, Alexandria, VA, 1991.
ISBN: 1-55620-079-X
A NATION DECEIVED: How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest Students: The Templeton National Report on Acceleration (Vol. I & II), University of Iowa, Belin-Blank Center, Iowa City, IA, 2004.
A PARENT’S GUIDE TO GIFTED CHILDREN, James Webb, Edward Amend, Janet Gore, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2007.
ISBN: 9780910707527
AFFECTIVE EDUCATION: Self-Concept & the Gifted Student, Elinor Katz, Open Space Communications, Inc., Boulder, CO; 1994.
ISBN: 0-9638228-7-X
ISBN: 1593632983
BEING SMART ABOUT GIFTED CHILDREN: A Guidebook for Parents and Educators, Dona Matthews, Joanne Foster, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2005.
ISBN: 0910707669
BEST PRACTICES IN GIFTED EDUCATION: An Evidence-based Guide, Ann Robinson, Bruce Shore, and Donna Enersen, Prufrock Press, Waco, TX, 2007.
COUNSELING THE GIFTED AND TALENTED, Linda Silverman, Love Publishing Co., Denver, CO, 1993.
ISBN: 0-89108-227-1
COURAGE TO BE GIFTED, THE, Erika Landau, Trillium Press, Unionville, NY, 1990.
ISBN: 0-89824-527-3
CRITICAL ISSUES AND PRACTICES IN GIFTED EDUCATION: What the Research Says, Jonathan Plucker, Carolyn Callahan, Prufrock Press, Waco, TX, 2008.
ISBN: 1593632959
CROSSOVER CHILDREN, A Sourcebook of Helping Children Who Are Gifted and Learning Disabled, Marlene Bireley, Council for Exceptional Children, Reston, VA., 1995.
ISBN: 0-86586-264-8
CURRICULUM COMPACTING: The Complete Guide to Modifying the Regular Curriculum for High Ability Students, Sally Reis, Deborah Burns, Joseph Renzulli, Creative Learning Press, Mansfield Center, CT,1992.
ISBN: 0936386630
DIVERSE POPULATIONS OF GIFTED CHILDREN, Meeting Their Needs in the Regular Classroom and Beyond, Starr Cline and Diane Schwartz, Merrill, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999.
ISBN: 0-13-399908-4
EDUCATION OF THE GIFTED AND TALENTED, 5th ed., Davis and Rimm, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA, 2003.
ISBN: 0205388507
EDUCATION OF THE GIFTED AND TALENTED: Report to the Congress of the United States by the U.S. Commissioner of Education, S. Marland, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1972.
EMPOWERING GIFTED MINDS: Educational Advocacy That Works, Barbara J. Gilman, DeLeon Publishing, Denver, CO, 2003.
ISBN: 1932186026
ESSENTIAL READINGS IN GIFTED EDUCATION SERIES, Sally Reis (Ed.), Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2004.
ISBN: 0761988750
EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATING GIFTED AND TALENTED LEARNERS, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Love Publishing Company, Denver, CO, 1998.
ISBN: 0-89108-255-7
EXCEPTIONALLY GIFTED CHILDREN, Miraca Gross, Routledge, NY, NY, 1993.
ISBN: 0-415-06416-3
FIGHTING INVISIBLE TIGERS: A Stress Management Guide for Teens, Earl Hipp, Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 2008.
ISBN: 1575422824
GIFTED CHILDREN, MYTHS AND REALITIES, Ellen Winner,HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., NY, NY, 1996.
ISBN: 0-465-01760-6
GIFTED KIDS SPEAK OUT, James Delisle, Free Spirit Press, Minneapolis, MN, 1988.
ISBN: 0-915793-10-5
GIFTED KIDS SURVIVAL GUIDE, THE: A Teen Handbook, Judy Galbraith, James Delisle, Pamela Espeland, Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 1996.
ISBN: 1575420031
GIFTEDNESS HAS MANY FACES, Multiple Talents and Abilities in the Classroom, Starr Cline, The Foundation for Concepts in Education, Inc., 1999.
ISBN: 1-890817-94-5
GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN: Leading the Way, Frances Karnes, Suzanne Bean, Free Spirit Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN, 1993.
ISBN: 0-915793-52-0
GROWING UP GIFTED, Barbara Clark, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1992.
ISBN: 0-02-322680-3
HANDBOOK OF GIFTED EDUCATION, 3rd ed., Nicholas Colangelo and Gary Davis, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 2003.
ISBN: 0-205-12652-9
HELPING GIFTED CHILDREN SOAR: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers, Carol Strip, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2000.
ISBN: 0910707413
INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF GIFTEDNESS AND TALENT, Heller, Monks, Sternberg, Subotnik (Eds.), Elsevier, NY, 2000.
IT’S ABOUT TIME: Inservice Strategies for Curriculum Compacting, Alane Starko, Creative Learning Press, Mansfield Center, CT, 1986.
ISBN: 0-936386-43-6
KEYS TO PARENTING THE GIFTED CHILD, Sylvia B. Rimm, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2006.
ISBN: 0-8120-1820-6
LIGHT UP YOUR CHILD’S MIND, Joseph Renzulli, Sally Reis, & Andrea Thompson, Little, Brown, and Company, NY, 2009.
ISBN: 978-0-316-00398-8
METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR TEACHING THE GIFTED AND TALENTED (3rd ed.). Karnes, F. &Bean, S. (Eds.), Prufrock Press, Waco, TX, 2008.
ISBN: 1593633475
NURTURING THE GIFTS AND TALENTS OF PRIMARY GRADE STUDENTS. Baum, S. Reis, S. & Maxfield, L., (Eds.), Creative Learning Press, Mansfield Center, CT, 1998.
ISBN: 0936386711
PARENT EDUCATION: Parents As Partners, Dorothy Knopper, Open Space Communications, Inc., Boulder, CO, 1994.
ISBN: 0-9638228-4-5
PARENTS GUIDE TO RAISING A GIFTED CHILD, James Alvino, Ballantine Books, New York, NY, 1996.
ISBN: 0-345-41027-0
PERFECTIONISM: What’s So Bad About Being Too Good? Miriam Adderholdt, Jan Goldberg, Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 1999.
ISBN: 1575420627
PRACTICAL STRATEGIES SERIES IN GIFTED EDUCATION, THE, (Compacting, Media & Technology, Enrichment, Mentorship, Acceleration, Motivating, Inventing, more), Prufrock Press, Waco, TX, 2005.
RAISIN’ BRAINS: Surviving My Smart Family, Karen Isaacson, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2002.
ISBN: 0910707545
REACHING NEW HORIZONS: Gifted and Talented Education for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Jaime Castellano, Eva Diaz (Eds.), Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA, 2002.
ISBN: 0205314139
RE-FORMING GIFTED EDUCATION: How Parents and Teachers Can Match the Program to the Child (2nd ed.), Karen Rogers, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2002.
ISBN: 0910707464
SMART BOYS: Talent, Manhood, and the Search for Meaning, Barbara Kerr & Sanford Cohn, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2001.
ISBN: 091070743X
SMART GIRLS: A New Psychology of Girls, Women, and Giftedness (Rev. Ed.), Barbara Kerr, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 1997.
ISBN: 091070726X
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF GIFTED CHILDREN, THE, Maureen Neihart, Sally Reis, Nancy Robinson, Sydney Moon, Prufrock Press, Waco, TX, 2002.
ISBN: 1882664779
SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE BOOKS: Guiding Gifted Readers from Pre-School to High School (2nd ed.), Judith Halsted, Great Potential Press, Scottsdale, AZ, 2002.
ISBN: 0910707510
STAND UP FOR YOUR GIFTED CHILD: How to Make the Most of Kids’ Strengths at School and at Home. Smutny, J., Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 2000.
ISBN: 1575420880
SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR PARENTS OF GIFTED KIDS, THE, Sally Y. Walker, Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 1991.
ISBN: 0-915793-28-8
SYSTEMS AND MODELS FOR DEVELOPING PROGRAMS FOR THE GIFTED AND TALENTED (2nd ed.), Joseph Renzulli et al, Creative Learning Press, Mansfield, CT, 2009.
TEACHING GIFTED KIDS IN THE REGULAR CLASSROOM (Rev.), Susan Winebrenner, Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 2001.
ISBN: 1575420899
TO BE GIFTED & LEARNING DISABLED; Susan Baum, Steve Owen, Creative Learning Press, Mansfield Center, CT, 2004.
ISBN: 0936386975
TOTAL SCHOOL CLUSTER GROUPING AND DIFFERENTIATION, Marcia Gentry & Rebecca Mann, Creative Learning Press, Mansfield Center, CT, 2008.
WHEN GIFTED KIDS DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS: How to Meet Their Social and Emotional Needs, Jim Delisle & Judy Galbraith, Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 2002.
ISBN: 1575421070
WHEN GIFTED STUDENTS UNDERACHIEVE: What You Can Do About It, Sylvia Rimm, Prufrock Press, Waco, TX, 2005.
ISBN: 1593631936
WHERE HAVE ALL THE SMART WOMEN GONE? Alice Ann Rowe, Smart People Books, Seattle, WA, 2001.
ISBN: 1-883697-50-6
WHY GIVE “GIFTS” TO THE GIFTED? Lita Schwartz, Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA, 1994.
ISBN: 0-8039-6103-0
YOUNG GIFTED CHILD, THE, Potential and Promise, an Anthology, Joan Smutny, Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ, 1999.
ISBN: 1-57273-108-7
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